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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sometime in April

Its a movie which is really sad.. Some parts can be very upsetting in how the got treated in Rowanda. But the way the hutu's got treated was unbelievable, just getting killed because of what you are!
The movie is following this man and him going back on the memories of what he went through, loosing his family and children and him evening shooting his own friend. He goes to his brothers testomional to hear what he has to say, then he visits then in jail which there his brother tells him how his family dies.
The saddest part of the movie I think is the School scene, where many innocent girls are shot. In one of the rooms the teacher tells the girls that they are not going to be killed but one girl said she'll die to protect her sisters (classmates).. Eventually one after one said they'd die for each other which leaves the teacher in such a bad way.. The soldiers eventually come into the room and shoot them all, with only 3 surviver's, the last three that survived ran away across the country but one died as she is very weak.
The two that are left eventually go back to the school to help clean up all the bodies. This movie is breathe taking and only for those who have a strong head.
We still haven't finished watching the movie, but I cannot wait to see what happens in the end..

Aoife. :)

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